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As the Administrator of some Apache servers, you may want to use mod_benchmark module to get some statistics about the response time of your web site.

mod_benchmark logs the requests and their response time as well as some system load indicators. It can send you alerts when a time threshold is overrun. At least, it offers a Control Panel which gives you graphical views about computed statistics.

Requirements System Linux Apache version 1.x/2.x
MySQL (optional) 3.x PHP version 4.x
Sybase (optional) 11.x A SVG compatible Browser !



Regression bug fixed with version 1.5b
Works with any Apache version

Test it here before downloading it !
  • A new improved interface with more capabilities
  • New high-quality charts using SVG
  • Outputs average, max and min indicator values
  • Handles server farm
  • Save and send your charts !


VersionsArchiveMD5 checksum
1.5b (Apache 1.x, 2.x) mod_benchmark-1.5b.tar.gz ade979564cbf64d29ae897286fa50cb5

Control Panel Excerpt:


  • Other database support (Oracle, PostgreSQL...) (small C modules and few PHP lines to be added)
  • Performance enhancement (use a memory buffer and do some burst-writing into the database)

If you want to help, you're welcome ! Logo